GripGrab Skull Cap Windster Expand

GripGrab Skull Cap Windster

GripGrab GripGrab


Tuulekindel esiosa

Pehme, mugav kangas

Kõrge hingavus

Peegeldav graafika

Kolju sobiv

Rohkem infot

1 Ühik


26,38 €

koos maksudega

Rohkem infot

Windproof Lightweight Thermal Skull Cap on pehme, kerge ja isoleeriv tuulekindel esiosa. See kaitseb kõrvu ja otsaesist ning sobib ideaalselt kiivri alla. Ideaalne rattasõiduks, jooksmiseks ja muudeks tegevusteks külmades tingimustes.

Tuulekindel kerge Thermal Skull Cap on valmistatud pehmest, harjatud tehnokangast, millel on suurepärased isolatsiooniomadused ja kõrge hingavus.

Selle mitmest paneelist koosnev disain, lamedad õmblused ja pehmed materjalid tagavad täiusliku sobivuse ja mugavuse kombinatsiooni.


GripGrab strives to make the World’s best cycling essentials that will have you covered on all surfaces and in all conditions. We are passionate and active cyclists and we understand the importance of the right cycling essentials. We strive to deliver high-quality products that you will love to use again and again. Our products offer Comfort, Functionality, Performance and Style.

GripGrab is a family run business. Founded by three brothers Kristian, Bjørn and Martin the company is today run by CEO Martin Krøyer and CPO Kristian Krøyer.

The company is based in Greater Copenhagen, Denmark and employs 40 people around the world who are all passionate about enriching people’s lives through cycling
